.:i don't know what you guys are doing, but I am...

... off to the gym.

http://view.break.com/510281 - Watch more free videos

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.:guitar hero on tour - me wants!!!

looky looky guitar hero for the nintendo ds!!!

More DIY videos at 5min.com
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.:tom clancys endwar gameplay demo - console rts just became interesting

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.: brilliant!!! - Funny motivational posters automotive edition | Play Hard Work Hard

I love the common sense one!!!

Funny motivational posters automotive edition | Play Hard Work Hard

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.:dear mother!!! - prince of persia

I am not sure how extremely cool that is.

so looking forward to this!

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.:zero punctuation - burnout paradise

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.:wii fit - no coment :-D

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.:troopies unleashed!

ok this is seriously getting out of hand...

first there was THIS post on /film that rocked beyond anything. I was really overwhelmed by all the great responses and amount of people visiting, besides the great people already following my four little dudes.
then they even gave me a PAGE2 on /film. and now... I mean... I really don't know what to say besides that I am very very happy and flattered, because also the movieblog posted my boys and a great french movieblog called filmgeek are covering them.

well well well... I'm going to celebrate with my troopies a bit and thank you Peter, Rodney and Maxime!

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.:flickr find of the day - hdr graffiti garage

, originally uploaded by Mònica Co.

just look at it!

.:age of conan - topless battle


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.:cts-v setting a new record on the ring.

at least for production sedans. very nice! read the news a few days ago, but this video is a nice addition.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

.:troopies update - and post on /film

just updated my troopies on flickr ---> klicky and the guys over at slashfilm where so nice to post my troopies in the cool stuff section over at /film. w00t

so happy they did this!

Blogged with the Flock Browser

.:flickr find of the day - #142/365 - I love you x

#142/365 - I love you x, originally uploaded by Jobe.

what a great idea! and so well shot!

.:the STIG revealed?! - WTF? and it's...

... german tv presenter and car tester tim schrick?! WTF?

well it could certainly be... follow the link to autoblog to read more on this!

---> klick

kinda cool... I like tim schrick. and he for sure can drive!

Blogged with the Flock Browser

.:flickr update - troopies365

yup... another day, another troopies picture! troopies365 is my one year photo project on flickr. have fun.

---> klick

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.:little big planet - w00t

Blogged with the Flock Browser

.:why oh why? - The Superficial - Amy Winehouse and kids: What could go wrong?

is she doing this? I don't get it...

The Superficial - Amy Winehouse and kids: What could go wrong?
Blogged with the Flock Browser

.:dead space on gametrailers tv - nice one!

check it out. hadn't heard of this game before, but man am I excited now!

check out the episode!

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.:this movie sumer started brilliant and the outlook is not disapointing either... - wanted

here a little featurette

I love that this movie is coming R rated and not does not try to compromise in order to get the most possible audience.

and here the trailers, enjoy!

Blogged with the Flock Browser

.:colbert on o'reilly - you've probably seen this already...

... but hey... just too funny

Blogged with the Flock Browser

.:snow crash by neal stephenson

neal stephenson was ot known to me until recently (well a few month back) and I stumbled upon his name in a few podcasts and was very appealed by what the hosts said. I am a huge cyberpunk fan having played the cyberpunk pen and paper rpg and especially shadowrun, so I started with his novel "snow crash" which was recommended at many places. and I haven't been disappointed. what a wonderful read. it sucks you in and won't let you go till the last page. a brilliant and sharp story, packed with interesting and within the story unique characters. if you are into scifi and cyberpunk it is a must read. I mostly listened to it actually and got the audiobook via audible.com (or also audible.de I think) and read the other parts. and it was a nice and new experience mixing those too.

if you want to, head over to wikipedia for a little read about neal stephenson ---> klick

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.:flickr updates!!!

yup just uploaded a bunch of new photos ---> klick

and of course my troopies are updated daily and I hope you'll enjoy the four little buggers... ---> klick


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.:flickr updates! hell yeah!

---> klicky!

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.:gears of war 2 first peek footage! w00t II !!!


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.:heroes season 3 teaser - w00t

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.: ex us soldier speaks about 911 the irak war and his thoughts

good one here, unfortunately not the whole speech, but at least something.

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.:pole dancing game for the wii for real?!

well according to gizmodo it does...

accompanied by this wonderful video you must see!

the full story at gizmodo ---> klicky

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.:flickr find of the day - Saturday Night!

Saturday Night!, originally uploaded by brian cors.

I still can't stop grinning... this is just brilliant. found via kungfugrippe.com

.:flickr find of the day - Who's the REAL psychopath?

Who's the REAL psychopath?, originally uploaded by controltheweb.

bloody hell... but I know it!

.:flickr find of the day - bens blue

_IGP2902, originally uploaded by Ben Fredericson (xjrlokix).

this reminds me of scanner darkly big time... if you have watched or read it you'll know what I mean.

.:flickr updates

there have been troopie updates, a green classic porsche and much more... head over and enjoy!!!


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