hey there as you maybe have guessed I moved over to a new server with my own wordpress install by now and everything is set up, well not everything, it still needs a lot of tweeking, but make sure you don't use the blogspot adress anymore and insted go for http://www.icedsoul.de .
I hope to get everything ready and shiny within the next few days. so stay tuned :-D
AND DON'T FORGET. IT IS http://www.icedsoul.de FROM NOW ON ONLY!!!!
thaaaank you!!!
.:plz come to http://www.icedsoul.de - the old adress at a new place
by icedsoul at 18:23 0 Kommentare
.:ok.... - STOP NOW
I am going to stop posting here for now... maximum a few days. the domain www.icedsoul.de will stay in work and I will try to set the new blog up as soon as the domain transfer is through... WP here I come.
so stay tuned nad keep checking... :-D
by icedsoul at 15:09 2 Kommentare
.:catfight! ...ready... go! - cuties.
by icedsoul at 10:38 0 Kommentare
.:flickr find of the day - its bee some time - _IGP5949 | self portrait
haven't done this for a while but the blog will be up and running bigger and better as before soon. until then enjoy this beautiful picture by my flickrfriend ben fredericson!!!
by icedsoul at 03:00 2 Kommentare
.:diablo 3 - first peek
can't even believe I am excited about this... its like visiting an old friend :-)
ah well I am looking forward to some nice hack 'n slay sessions.
by icedsoul at 01:46 0 Kommentare
.:woooooooorkout time!!! - my muscles are still hurting from yesterday, but what can you do.
http://view.break.com/527445 - Watch more free videos
by icedsoul at 18:39 0 Kommentare
.:well well... workout time again! - the special one... you know!
I am not posting much these days as I am trying to move the blog, but this obviously can't wait :-D
http://view.break.com/523686 - Watch more free videos
by icedsoul at 00:13 0 Kommentare
.:i come with the rain - promo video
wow, just watched this clip via /film. looks pretty awesome! josh hartnet could become one of my favorite actors if he keeps progressing like this.
by icedsoul at 15:38 0 Kommentare
.:fucking brilliant - Requiem For A Day Off
man this is so well done!!! looooove it!
and I need to get ferris on dvd or BD... I want to watch it now. it has been so long. and I remember watching it week after week for years!
by icedsoul at 10:50 0 Kommentare
.:geeks of the world unite! - Ancient Roman D20 for sale, $18,000 - Boing Boing
let this not fall into the hand of some stupid old and boring collector and let this wonderful piece of geekness disappear into the safe or cellar somewhere next to old mummies and old books!
Ancient Roman D20 for sale, $18,000 - Boing Boing
and here the direct link to save the geekness!!!
by icedsoul at 14:29 0 Kommentare
.:workout time again!!! - get those muscles sweating...
http://view.break.com/519359 - Watch more free videos
by icedsoul at 12:40 0 Kommentare
.:punisher: war zone trailer - I like it better then the first one already :-D
just kiddin... lets see how it goes.
by icedsoul at 01:26 0 Kommentare
.:crazyyyyyyy star wars collection - envyyyyy
by icedsoul at 23:29 0 Kommentare
.:update - Correction: Honda F1 not testing Danica, but would like to - Autoblog - WTF?!
Correction: Honda F1 not testing Danica, but would like to - Autoblog
by icedsoul at 02:39 0 Kommentare
.:finally formula 1 could become interesting after all - Danica Patrick scores full test with Honda F1 - Autoblog
Danica Patrick scores full test with Honda F1 - Autoblog
by icedsoul at 11:36 0 Kommentare
.:3G iPhone guided ad - NSFW or kids...
by icedsoul at 11:35 0 Kommentare
.:rocky - best scene
I just love this scene!
by icedsoul at 13:14 0 Kommentare
.:babylon a.d. trailer - w00t
wow. nice one. I knew vin diesel was working on this movie and that mathieu kassovitz is directing it, but hell this looks so nice!
really looking forward to this now!!!
by icedsoul at 02:11 0 Kommentare
.:how assassin's creed should have been - mega64
by icedsoul at 20:21 0 Kommentare
.:Steve Jobs keynote live from WWDC 2008 - Engadget
brilliant outcome in my opinion at least.
Steve Jobs keynote live from WWDC 2008 - Engadget
by icedsoul at 20:56 0 Kommentare
.:WWDC 2008 - Engadget
ROFL... mossberg and al gore next to eachother on WWDC?! WTF?!Steve Jobs keynote live from WWDC 2008 - Engadget
by icedsoul at 18:58 0 Kommentare
.:naked gun gta4 trailer... - bloody hell man
this is hillarious!
by icedsoul at 11:31 0 Kommentare
.:well I guess it time for another workout - hollywood tuna style...
http://view.break.com/514736 - Watch more free videos
by icedsoul at 21:09 0 Kommentare
.:oh c'mon`WTF? - GH 100% frenzy run
are you serious?
by icedsoul at 16:46 0 Kommentare
.:gtr vs. gt - webrides.tv comparison
nice one here!
by icedsoul at 01:16 0 Kommentare
.:very cool - Amazon offering Fallout 3 'Survival Edition' - Joystiq
but c'mon... US only? no way man? PLZZZZZZZZ
Amazon offering Fallout 3 'Survival Edition' - Joystiq
by icedsoul at 22:36 1 Kommentare
.:cool new show on revision 3 - EPIC FU
by icedsoul at 21:57 0 Kommentare
.:le mans - peugeot training crash
bloody hell... a crash like tht and then you "just" have broken toe... nice one! hope he'll be able to drive the race with that broken toe though! and for sure these racecars must be the most safe vehicles after a tank...
by icedsoul at 01:12 0 Kommentare
.:flickr update - troopies and london
by icedsoul at 21:27 0 Kommentare
Labels: flickr, london, me, nikkor, nikon, troopies, troopies365
.:vimeo - hello hello
just uploaded my the saber test video to vimeo...
I really like their site and design and all... not as much content as yt, but certainly a very good site that I will use from now on.
lightsaber test from Teymur on Vimeo.
by icedsoul at 16:08 0 Kommentare
Labels: the internets, video, vimeo
.:got these yesterday
"Wanted" (Mark Millar, J.G. Jones
.:good photography tip - by aamit gupta and frederick johnson
gotta giv it a try.
Amit Gupta on Lollipops for Photos from Frederick Johnson on Vimeo.
by icedsoul at 13:50 0 Kommentare
.:shoppin' list - just added
good that I haven't already ordered a ds...
Rock out! Guitar Hero: On Tour DS bundle spotted - Joystiq
and this... c'mon!!!the bobblehead and the lunchbox I would buy even like that! looking forward to part three so much!
Fallout 3 Collector's Edition gets visualized - Joystiq
by icedsoul at 13:00 0 Kommentare
.:quote of the week - chinatown
"Jake Gittes: I just want to know what you're worth. Over ten million?
Noah Cross: Oh my, yes.
Jake Gittes: Why are you doing it? How much better can you eat? What can you buy that you can't already afford?
Noah Cross: The future, Mr. Gitts, the future."
by icedsoul at 02:25 0 Kommentare
.:wanted - new trailer
just found this new trailer on cinematical
Wanted in HD
wanted could be the movie I always fantasized about watching and doing myself since I was a little kid!
but until it comes out... I 'm gonna read the novel I just took delivery on today! YAY!!!
by icedsoul at 01:24 0 Kommentare
.:i don't know what you guys are doing, but I am...
... off to the gym.
http://view.break.com/510281 - Watch more free videos
by icedsoul at 15:04 0 Kommentare
Labels: gym
.:guitar hero on tour - me wants!!!
looky looky guitar hero for the nintendo ds!!!
More DIY videos at 5min.com
by icedsoul at 15:38 0 Kommentare
Labels: ds, guitarhero, nintendo
.:tom clancys endwar gameplay demo - console rts just became interesting
by icedsoul at 01:29 0 Kommentare
.: brilliant!!! - Funny motivational posters automotive edition | Play Hard Work Hard
I love the common sense one!!!
Funny motivational posters automotive edition | Play Hard Work Hard
by icedsoul at 23:55 0 Kommentare
.:dear mother!!! - prince of persia
I am not sure how extremely cool that is.
so looking forward to this!
by icedsoul at 22:45 0 Kommentare
.:zero punctuation - burnout paradise
by icedsoul at 22:11 0 Kommentare
.:troopies unleashed!
ok this is seriously getting out of hand...
first there was THIS post on /film that rocked beyond anything. I was really overwhelmed by all the great responses and amount of people visiting, besides the great people already following my four little dudes.
then they even gave me a PAGE2 on /film. and now... I mean... I really don't know what to say besides that I am very very happy and flattered, because also the movieblog posted my boys and a great french movieblog called filmgeek are covering them.
well well well... I'm going to celebrate with my troopies a bit and thank you Peter, Rodney and Maxime!
by icedsoul at 23:39 0 Kommentare
Labels: /film, filmgeek, flickr, themovieblog, troopies
.:age of conan - topless battle
by icedsoul at 23:05 1 Kommentare
.:cts-v setting a new record on the ring.
at least for production sedans. very nice! read the news a few days ago, but this video is a nice addition.
by icedsoul at 00:09 0 Kommentare
.:troopies update - and post on /film
just updated my troopies on flickr ---> klicky and the guys over at slashfilm where so nice to post my troopies in the cool stuff section over at /film. w00t
so happy they did this!
by icedsoul at 22:09 0 Kommentare
.:flickr find of the day - #142/365 - I love you x
what a great idea! and so well shot!
by icedsoul at 14:43 2 Kommentare
.:the STIG revealed?! - WTF? and it's...
... german tv presenter and car tester tim schrick?! WTF?
well it could certainly be... follow the link to autoblog to read more on this!
---> klick
kinda cool... I like tim schrick. and he for sure can drive!
by icedsoul at 23:55 0 Kommentare
Labels: autoblog, the internets, the stig, topgear
.:flickr update - troopies365
yup... another day, another troopies picture! troopies365 is my one year photo project on flickr. have fun.
---> klick
by icedsoul at 22:57 0 Kommentare
Labels: flickr, the internets, troopies
.:little big planet - w00t
by icedsoul at 18:36 0 Kommentare
Labels: game, games, littlebig planet, playstation 3, ps3, video
.:why oh why? - The Superficial - Amy Winehouse and kids: What could go wrong?
is she doing this? I don't get it...
The Superficial - Amy Winehouse and kids: What could go wrong?
by icedsoul at 23:53 0 Kommentare
.:dead space on gametrailers tv - nice one!
check it out. hadn't heard of this game before, but man am I excited now!
check out the episode!
by icedsoul at 20:51 0 Kommentare
Labels: deadspace, game, games, gametrailers tv
.:this movie sumer started brilliant and the outlook is not disapointing either... - wanted
here a little featurette
I love that this movie is coming R rated and not does not try to compromise in order to get the most possible audience.
and here the trailers, enjoy!
by icedsoul at 17:32 0 Kommentare
.:colbert on o'reilly - you've probably seen this already...
... but hey... just too funny
by icedsoul at 15:11 0 Kommentare
.:snow crash by neal stephenson
neal stephenson was ot known to me until recently (well a few month back) and I stumbled upon his name in a few podcasts and was very appealed by what the hosts said. I am a huge cyberpunk fan having played the cyberpunk pen and paper rpg and especially shadowrun, so I started with his novel "snow crash" which was recommended at many places. and I haven't been disappointed. what a wonderful read. it sucks you in and won't let you go till the last page. a brilliant and sharp story, packed with interesting and within the story unique characters. if you are into scifi and cyberpunk it is a must read. I mostly listened to it actually and got the audiobook via audible.com (or also audible.de I think) and read the other parts. and it was a nice and new experience mixing those too.
if you want to, head over to wikipedia for a little read about neal stephenson ---> klick
by icedsoul at 00:13 0 Kommentare
.:flickr updates!!!
yup just uploaded a bunch of new photos ---> klick
and of course my troopies are updated daily and I hope you'll enjoy the four little buggers... ---> klick
by icedsoul at 23:53 0 Kommentare
.:flickr updates! hell yeah!
---> klicky!
by icedsoul at 23:37 0 Kommentare
.:gears of war 2 first peek footage! w00t II !!!
by icedsoul at 23:34 0 Kommentare
.: ex us soldier speaks about 911 the irak war and his thoughts
good one here, unfortunately not the whole speech, but at least something.
by icedsoul at 01:11 0 Kommentare
.:pole dancing game for the wii for real?!
well according to gizmodo it does...
accompanied by this wonderful video you must see!
the full story at gizmodo ---> klicky
by icedsoul at 15:25 0 Kommentare
.:flickr find of the day - Saturday Night!
I still can't stop grinning... this is just brilliant. found via kungfugrippe.com
by icedsoul at 10:36 0 Kommentare
.:flickr find of the day - Who's the REAL psychopath?
bloody hell... but I know it!
by icedsoul at 00:39 0 Kommentare
.:flickr find of the day - bens blue
this reminds me of scanner darkly big time... if you have watched or read it you'll know what I mean.
by icedsoul at 03:40 0 Kommentare
.:flickr updates
there have been troopie updates, a green classic porsche and much more... head over and enjoy!!!
by icedsoul at 16:34 0 Kommentare
.:tribute to dschinghis khan
I was quite young when I listened to this the first time, but damn me I just love this stuff... i know i know... but give it a try and ejoy!!!
by icedsoul at 12:14 0 Kommentare
.:flickr update
yeah peopleeee...
time again for a little but fine flickr update.
last saturday we went for a little drive to münste to visit a convention and afterwards went for a walk in the city. and there it was...
---> klicky
and of course the troopies are coming to flickr everyday... >>klick<< or just my flickrpage.
by icedsoul at 11:46 0 Kommentare
just pre-ordered the special edition WOOOT.
by icedsoul at 00:36 0 Kommentare
.:flickr update - mimbot, troopies and...
... well nothing else yet, haven't had time to go through my london pics yet. will do soon though!
here ya go for the troopies ---> >>klicky<<
and here for the mimobot ---> >>klicky<<
by icedsoul at 22:45 0 Kommentare
.: my little new gadget - boba mimobot
the coolest usb drives ever... luckily found this in the forbidden planet in london. woot!
by icedsoul at 22:39 0 Kommentare
.:robert mckee story seminar - a look back
I am back in cologne now... the seminar was finished yesterday with a casablanca disection marathon of 6 hours.
these 3 seminar days were extremly exhausting, extremly insightful and extremly joyful.
I think it really got me to a new limit I never was before... I don't want to say intellectually, but my brain was close to vaporate for sure :-). alot of information. ALOT!!! and eventhough I had read the book before, it added so much to it. Robert McKee is really an amazing man and adds so much to all this knowledge by his personality. and it must be hard for him too... very... talking for eleven hours straight, standing, and even in the breaks answering our annoying questions :-)
well well. what can I say... he is very well educated, he knows so much besides the "story" related that it at times felt like a philosophical seminar.
I feel the force flowing much clearer now! And anyone who just remotely want to work creativley in the film or writing business has to read his book and should attend this seminar. I am so looking forward to start my work now!
I may add some more, but I am just exhausted from the trip and all... later guys!
by icedsoul at 01:23 0 Kommentare
.:robert mckee story seminar - day one
london 8:15 this morning, me and about 199 other writers met up at the university of westminster right opposite of madame tussauds.
I didn't really know what to expect of how mr. mckee does the seminar, but really quickly it showed how much fun this was going to be.
bloody briliant. the seminar today went till 8:30 in the evening with some breaks and I have to say, I did not once fall asleep or felt bored or anything, just my butt hurts a little from sitting around all day. robert mckee is a wonderful man and lecturer. it is so much fun for every minute and I am although pretty weary I am looking forward to the second day tomorrow...
have a good one guys and sleep well...
by icedsoul at 23:47 0 Kommentare
Labels: london, robertmckee, seminar, story, story seminar
.:flickr update - troopies acutally...
here's the link >>klicky<<, enjoy!
by icedsoul at 23:41 0 Kommentare
.:soul calibur IV trailer...
I have to get 2 new xbox360 controllers already... this is going to be so much fun!!!
and watch to the end!
by icedsoul at 17:48 0 Kommentare
.:flickr find of the month I'd say - Manley Power
this is just wonderful.
by icedsoul at 21:03 0 Kommentare
.:free tibet... or maybe not?
it has a point somehow... no? I don't take a side here, just wanted to share this as it was shared with me...20534_large.jpg (JPEG Image, 600x463 pixels)
by icedsoul at 21:25 0 Kommentare
.:1960s Braun Products Hold the Secrets to Apple's Future... via gizmodo
just follow the link... >>klicky<<
by icedsoul at 20:36 0 Kommentare
.:flickr update - troopies and quite alot of other stuff!!!
come and check it out, you know the drill and please enjoy!!!
>>Klicky<< or straight to the troopies ---> >>Klicky<<
by icedsoul at 21:49 0 Kommentare
Labels: flickr, the internets, troopies365
.:song of the day - any studt "chasing the light"
I have no clue where she is from and how long shes been out there... but this is one fine song.
I have to check out itunes and myspace if there is anymore of her.
by icedsoul at 12:19 0 Kommentare
.:flicker find of the day - Morning in America
brilliant and wonderful. he has a gifted eye and feeling for composition.
by icedsoul at 00:41 0 Kommentare
.:flcikr video numero uno - troopies365
Originally uploaded by icedsoul
by icedsoul at 13:03 0 Kommentare
.:flickr find of the day - Burgau
this was shot by my buddy thorsten. I just love its calmness and beauty. When I look at it, I want to be sitting there, chillin...
by icedsoul at 12:15 0 Kommentare
.:song of the day - stone sour "through glass"
this is one of my absolute favorite songs and in my opinion one of the most beautiful songs ever written.
no matter on cd,dvd or on stage. stone sour are an amazing and great band and through glass is on of their best song I think.
here you have the song without the video
andhere with, but I dont like those flashing sounds in between... so choose for yourself.
by icedsoul at 12:11 0 Kommentare
Labels: music, stone sour, theinternets, you tube
.:song of the day - weezer "island in the sun"
by icedsoul at 14:03 0 Kommentare
Labels: music, song, theinternets, weezer, you tube
.:max mosley on jalopnik - pics and a video
this dude... and who says you cant buy anything with money :-/
Klicky!, thx to jalopnik.com
by icedsoul at 09:53 0 Kommentare
Labels: jalopnik, max mosley, theinternets
.:blody hillarious challenge between james may and gordon ramsey...
by icedsoul at 22:23 0 Kommentare
:merlin manns masterpiece - steampunkspoof
enjoy my friends. merlin is genius as he is, but this takes him even higher in my book at least.
Steampunk DIY from Merlin Mann on Vimeo.
by icedsoul at 03:18 0 Kommentare
.:this is soo cool
multiplayer quake 3 on two ipod touchs?
bloody brilliant!
by icedsoul at 03:11 0 Kommentare
.:flickr update
and again, here we go.
by icedsoul at 16:34 0 Kommentare
.:flickr update
yip yip appa... just kiddin'
uploaded a few new pics and of course my one year photo project troopies365.
all the photos can be found HERE and if you want to go to the troopies365 set directly head HERE.
by icedsoul at 03:29 0 Kommentare
Labels: flickr, the internets, troopies365
.:gt5 damage...
well well... there we have it.
damage is coming to gt5 prologue this fall as downloadable content (dlc)
check it out over at autoblog
by icedsoul at 18:02 1 Kommentare
Labels: gt5, ps3, theinternets
.:flickr find of the day - Busted
brilliant photo. just has this special mood.
by icedsoul at 22:44 0 Kommentare
.:best wii game and gadget ever...
hillarious is all I can say...
if you want to buy it... head over to think geek
by icedsoul at 00:58 0 Kommentare
.:zelda movie trailer - may god help us all!!!
pleaaaaase tell me this is a joke... D&D the movie all over again? and honestly... D&D had much better special effects back then.
whats their budget? 10 bucks? bloody hell... how can you destroy something like zelda this quick and painful... I hope this is a aprilfools joke of somekind.
by icedsoul at 00:44 1 Kommentare
.:further new arrivals - w00t :-D
finally got the brilliant nikkor 16-85mm lens
what a beauty! looking forward for the next tour.
I also got a set of hama close-up lenses
nice stuff, especially as I did not have enough dough left for a "real" macro lens. works quite nice, especially for such a low price.
and last but not least, the end of this second shopping frenzy lead to a beautiful crumpler daily xxl in grey black/mustard.
which in real looks so amazingly stunnig! a big difference to the pic.
by icedsoul at 00:10 2 Kommentare
Labels: crumpler, hama, nikkor, shopping frenzy
.:you better behave or they'll send their snipers after you...
this is an amazing and also scary vid... check it out and enjoy!
by icedsoul at 03:53 0 Kommentare
Labels: sniper, the internets, you tbe
.:flickr update - troopies365
troopies of the day is out people! ---> klicky
hope you enjoy!
by icedsoul at 21:59 0 Kommentare
Labels: flickr, the internets, troopies365
.:second photo published - w00t
nice! a second of my photos got published today. its over at here at the Schmap Hawaiian Island Guide as a picture for the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Probably not a big deal, but I am pretty excited. And I am so ready for another trip to Hawaii. really great place to be!!!
ah and for those of you who want to take a look at the published pic on my flickr page, next to the other Hawaii photos I've made, go here.
by icedsoul at 20:47 4 Kommentare
Labels: flickr, hawaii, schmap, the internets