nice! a second of my photos got published today. its over at here at the Schmap Hawaiian Island Guide as a picture for the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Probably not a big deal, but I am pretty excited. And I am so ready for another trip to Hawaii. really great place to be!!!
ah and for those of you who want to take a look at the published pic on my flickr page, next to the other Hawaii photos I've made, go here.
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4 Kommentare:
nich schlecht digga, ich glaub es wird ma zeit für ne Fotosafari rund um de welt!
da sachste was... :-)
kommste mit?
Ajo brauchst sicher eenen der das equipment hält, kaffee usw holt wa. aber uff so zwee drei Länder ich ick schon bock....
na datt is dann jebont sach ick ma, wa :-D
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