.:the new arrivals...

this is sooo great and it was about time...

finally I could buy a Manfrotto 055XPROB in black

and a complimenting head, the Manfrotto 322RC2. I hadn't seen its type before, but good stuff.

and last but not least I got myself a Nikon MC-30.

this is going to be alot of fun now shooting in darker surroundings and especially HDR.

got two of these also

two osram dot its... one in black and one spiderman edition :-)

a movie geeks gotta do what a movie geeks gotta do, right?

these are really handy lights.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

a lot of money, for a hobby oder? ^^ hoffe du hast a lot of fun with this :P

icedsoul hat gesagt…

ja, aber irgendwo muss es ja hin... kaufe kaum noch filme und hab halt echt spaß dran, und das soll sich ja auch weiterentwickeln... gff mehr als nur ein hobby werden.