troopies of the day is out people! ---> klicky
hope you enjoy!
.:flickr update - troopies365
by icedsoul at 21:59 0 Kommentare
Labels: flickr, the internets, troopies365
.:second photo published - w00t
nice! a second of my photos got published today. its over at here at the Schmap Hawaiian Island Guide as a picture for the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Probably not a big deal, but I am pretty excited. And I am so ready for another trip to Hawaii. really great place to be!!!
ah and for those of you who want to take a look at the published pic on my flickr page, next to the other Hawaii photos I've made, go here.
by icedsoul at 20:47 4 Kommentare
Labels: flickr, hawaii, schmap, the internets
.:flickr update - troopies365
just updated my troopies365 set ---> if you want to check ou my one year photo project just follow the link and enjoy ---> klicky
by icedsoul at 19:37 0 Kommentare
Labels: flickr, troopies365
.:flickr find of the day - Paradise Point II Corvette
wonderful shot of a wonderful car!!!
by icedsoul at 00:59 2 Kommentare
.:flickr update - troopies365 of course
here ya go ---> klicky
by icedsoul at 22:41 0 Kommentare
Labels: flcikr, troopies365
.:flickr find of the day - Project 365 - Day 86
haha brilliant... a pro invasion.
by icedsoul at 12:54 0 Kommentare
.:flickr find of the day - Yakitori
a bit of blade runner, a bit of something I really like and would love to be, to have a bite or two.
by icedsoul at 23:05 0 Kommentare
.:free photoshop
according to the wallstreet journal adobe is putting out a free, downloadable version, of photoshop!
a direct link to adobes beta page ---> klicky
by icedsoul at 22:01 0 Kommentare
Labels: adobe, phozoshop. wallstreet journal
.:internets find of the day
golfer? star wars fan? go get 'em tiger!!! ---> klicky
by icedsoul at 21:48 0 Kommentare
.:flickr update - troopies365
haven't posted the updates in a while but I ve been posting the pics everyday so head over and enjoy ppl!
the set
and the latest
by icedsoul at 21:37 0 Kommentare
Labels: flickr, the internets, troopies365
.:mahalo daily - how to
jason calacanis from just is doing a livestream via about how to make wikiesque pages on !!!
go here and check it out!
this is the page created. it seems really easy to create your own.
by icedsoul at 22:45 0 Kommentare
Labels: mahalojason calacanis
.: that was damn close ... :-D
by icedsoul at 18:41 0 Kommentare
Labels: the internets, youtube
.:the new arrivals...
this is sooo great and it was about time...
finally I could buy a Manfrotto 055XPROB in black
and a complimenting head, the Manfrotto 322RC2. I hadn't seen its type before, but good stuff.
and last but not least I got myself a Nikon MC-30.
this is going to be alot of fun now shooting in darker surroundings and especially HDR.
got two of these also
two osram dot its... one in black and one spiderman edition :-)
a movie geeks gotta do what a movie geeks gotta do, right?
these are really handy lights.
.:flickr upates!!!
added two new portraits to my friends and family set ---> Klickr
and also the troopies of the day!!! ---> Klickr more
enjoy my friends!!!
by icedsoul at 18:32 0 Kommentare
Labels: flickr, the internets, troopies365
.:tropical thunder - hell yeah!
great movie coming!!! beware!!! :-D
teaser trailer
and trailer, please stand through the stupid trailer before the tropical thunder one... advertisement... :-(, but its worth going through it.
by icedsoul at 12:51 0 Kommentare
Labels: movies, theinternets, trailer, tropical thunder
via vowe dot net :: GoogleDrive - the coolest "app" in a long long time
you ca go directly to the page Klicky
or via vowe dot net :: GoogleDrive
by icedsoul at 12:07 0 Kommentare
Labels: fun, the googles, theinternets
.:flickr selfpromotion, or so - self
just upped a selfportrait I actually really really like!
maybe I am just getting better at it.
by icedsoul at 01:26 0 Kommentare
.:flickr update
go for it!
Klick! for all of them and Klick for the Troopies!!!
by icedsoul at 00:41 0 Kommentare
Labels: flickr, the internets, troopies365
.:scary and extremly cool shit!!! robo... something!
by icedsoul at 22:57 0 Kommentare
Labels: darpa, robot, the internets, youtube
.:guess what?! - flickr update!!!
yup uploaded a bunch of photos and of course todays troopies!
by icedsoul at 21:11 0 Kommentare
Labels: flickr, the internets, troopies
.:flickr find of the day - copia d'arte - Nighthawks - Nottambuli -
this is such a great idea and wonderful work! this really gets your creativity flowing! so many god people out there... and so many lego maniacs :-D
by icedsoul at 23:47 0 Kommentare
Labels: flickr, the internets
.:flickr updates
more pictures uploaded...
hope you enjoy!
tried some more HDR and of course another troopies episode!
by icedsoul at 22:36 0 Kommentare
.:flickr update
I bring you a nice flickr update today...
you can either go to the photos mainpage ---> klicky
to the troopies365 page ---> klicky
ot the HDR set ---> klicky
hope you enjoy and if you do, leave a comment or two :-D
take care and have a good weekend!
by icedsoul at 17:16 0 Kommentare
.:flickr photos updated
go watch!!!
by icedsoul at 22:35 0 Kommentare
.:in-depth review of the D300
finally the guys over at digital photography review pumped out their final review about the nikon D300.
well worth the read if you are considering the read. and its a extremly good one too :-D
---> Klicky
by icedsoul at 21:20 0 Kommentare
.:starcraft II zerg video
I have to admit this suprised me... I wasnt very intrested as I did not like the screenshots until now.
But this ideo... I am ready for it!!!
by icedsoul at 23:26 0 Kommentare
.:joe mcnally - da grip
joe mcnally just posted this over at his great new blog showing how to hold your camera the best way and how your posture should and should not be.
joe mcnally is just great. so looking forward to his book... should be here any day...
by icedsoul at 21:20 0 Kommentare
.:flickr find of the day - Gather ye rosebuds while ye may . . .
by icedsoul at 19:56 0 Kommentare
.:eastern promises
Eastern Promises is David Cronenbergs latest movie featuring worldclass Stars Viggo Mortensen, Armin Müller-Stahl, Vincent Cassel and Naomi Watts.
Its all about a russian Mobfamily in London and a Nursewho gets kind of pulled into the Mobfamilies doings.
This Movie was just great. This is what classic cinema and movies were all about. Amazing cinematography, great writing and directing and just unbeatable and remarkable acting. It could be a bit gross at one or two scenes, but this just add to the very realistic and authentic feeling of the movie.
There is just nothing else that I can say but go rent or buy the movie and enjoy!!!
by icedsoul at 01:10 0 Kommentare
:why didn't exactly I think of that? (NSFW)
99 words for b00bs!
go for it...
by icedsoul at 23:21 0 Kommentare
.:magpul fmg9 ... walk your dog, eh!?
this is some funny and crazy shit...
by icedsoul at 23:14 0 Kommentare
.:delicious library 2 a TUAW firstlook
head over to TUAW and take a peek at their DL first look.
It finally seems to be grownup and all. I am really looking forward to this release.
Maybe I can finally let go of my DVD Profiler.
by icedsoul at 22:51 0 Kommentare
.:gt5 prologue trailer.... muuuahahahahahaha
by icedsoul at 19:43 2 Kommentare
.:new wolfman pics...
check the latest wolfman pics out over at cinematical!!! hell yeah!
benicio looks even crazier than in the first pic they published ages ago!!!
by icedsoul at 19:40 0 Kommentare
.:flickr update!!!
you know the drill, right?
updated the friends set and the troopies of course.
have fun!
Blogged with Flock
by icedsoul at 18:10 0 Kommentare
.:troopies365 updated
updated my troopies365 project! first week is packed and done!
come on over and enjoy! ---> Klicky
Blogged with Flock
by icedsoul at 17:05 0 Kommentare
.:wanted movie trailer
hell yeah... besides iron man and batman - the dark night this is the third movie I am soooo looking forward to. and funny enough also a comic book adaptation.
hell this trailer rocks... head over to to check it out! ---> Klicky
Blogged with Flock
by icedsoul at 17:12 0 Kommentare
.:flickr update
just added a few photos I made yesterday to my flickr account.
you check that out or go directly to the photosets .:friends and .:cologne.
hope you like it, if you do,leave a comment :-)
Blogged with Flock
by icedsoul at 16:01 0 Kommentare
.:troopies on moleskinerie
One of my troopies pics was so to say published within a text by Howard Nemerov on
Happy happy happy :-D
Here is the Link!
Blogged with Flock
by icedsoul at 10:18 0 Kommentare
.:r.i.p - Gary Gygax
The Creator of the amazing Dungeons & Dragons Saga and Roleplaying Games passed away according to a Boing Boing news.
How many endless times have we spent playing D&D RPGs and reading books based on these amazing worlds.
Over at Boing Boing they have a great Interview with Gary Gygax that you shouldn't miss. --->Klicky
Blogged with Flock
by icedsoul at 01:12 0 Kommentare
.:troopies365 - day four here we go...
come check out the forth day of my 365 days photo project
or the complete set...
Blogged with Flock
by icedsoul at 18:14 0 Kommentare
.:flickr find of the day - Fun-019115
I find self portraits more and more difficult to take and to like, but this fella is taking it to a nice point here :-)
you should ta a look at his set!
by icedsoul at 17:22 0 Kommentare
.:i am legend - some better film news these days
an alternate ending that stupid thing. klicky
and there is a roumor of a new cut on the coming bluray. w00t.
Blogged with Flock
by icedsoul at 12:03 0 Kommentare
.:my first explore photo!!!! yeeehaaa!!!
I am so excited... like a little kid.
my first photo to make the flickr explore page!!!
now I can sleep well :-D
by icedsoul at 01:57 5 Kommentare
.:neil gaimans american gods for free...
it seems as you can only read it onlie, but still its free right... go neil go!!!
Blogged with Flock
by icedsoul at 14:54 0 Kommentare
.:flickr find of the day - Battlestar Galactica Last supper
no Idea where he got this from, but a great pic.
by icedsoul at 14:44 0 Kommentare
.:balloon panzer
hillarious idea.
If you want to check out more... here you go
Blogged with Flock
by icedsoul at 14:43 0 Kommentare
.:iron man extended hi-res trailer
enjoy! :-D
I am sooooooo looking forward to this movie! It could become the bet Comicbook Movie!
Blogged with Flock
by icedsoul at 12:37 0 Kommentare
.:new movies
just got an amazon delivery... so lets see what we have here...
Easter Promises on Bluray. Missed that one in the cinema and I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally want to see this since the first trailer! And come on... Viggo with an russian accent and some serious fighting (evenor especially because nude :-D )
Starsky and Hutch on Bluray. Just an hillariously funny movie with two of Hollywoods funniest guys. Loved it in the Cinema and somehow did't buy it on DVD so here we go in HiDef.
and one DVD I have waited on very long... since the first Series actually...
Long Way Down . Damn those guys... this is an experience I would love to have... maybe not on a bike... but a nice 4x4. I dont like riding motorbikes.
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by icedsoul at 20:02 0 Kommentare
.:troopies365 - my one year project
I was planing on doing a 365 days photo project for some time now and here we are --->
I didn't want to do the typical portrait thing, as I don't like self portraits so much :-) so my tough Lego Stormtroopers have to jump in.
Blogged with Flock
by icedsoul at 18:11 0 Kommentare